Tennis vs La Crosse vs Inflatable balls I recommend these 4" inflatable balls to all my clients. They most closely replicate the gentle pressure that we Myofascial Therapists do with our hands in session.
What people typically use for self-treatment: Racquet Ball, Lacrosse Ball, Tennis Ball, Baseball.... OUCH!!
If these☝🏼are the tools you use at home, ask yourself: "Am I achieving the results I want with these tools? Is it more of an immediate gratification of 'Oh, that hurts so good!', or am I experiencing a real lasting change in my symptoms including increased range of motion; more mobility; decreased pain; softer more pliable muscle tissue? If you're not experiencing results that last longer than an hour or so, consider switching to a softer, inflatable ball. It will definitely feel weird at first because it is so soft. However, the results will be greater and longer lasting because your body is not consciously or subconsciously bracing against it.
Here's how to use the inflatable 4" therapy Ball: 1. Find the spot on your body that is the most hard or tender. 2. Place ball on that spot, lay on it and allow your body to sink in and completely relax 3. Other than to find that right spot, DO NOT ROLL AROUND ON THE BALL or constantly reposition it. Once you've found the spot, keep the ball there. 4. JUST LAY THERE for 5-7 min on the ball. After only a minute or two, you likely won't feel the ball anymore. You'll be tempted to reposition it to give your mind the satisfaction of "hurt so good". DON'T DO IT. Lay there and sustain that pressure for the FULL 5-7 min. That is when the REAL RELEASE happens. 5. While doing this, make sure to give your body your full attention. Ask yourself, "I have the ball placed here, but do I feel any other areas on my body needing attention?" If the answer is yes, move the ball there next. EASY!
This way takes a little more patience and some retraining of the mind, but the payoff is priceless!
Where to buy? Search Amazon: 4" Pliable Ball
To receive an in person 1:1 hands on Myofascial Release treatment in San Diego, go to
